Here are all the major terms and conditions regarding our services at Restaurante Mi Tierra
Sign in terms
When you sign in to our website, you agree to the terms and conditions that we have. The terms and conditions apply to the transactions related to the services. You give us necessary information related to the address, contact, email, and others for the service purposes.
Prices of the products
By placing your order, you become liable for the prices of the ordered items along with the associated taxes. We provide you a clear knowledge of the prices along with the taxes included at the time of the order placement. Hence, you should clear all your doubts about the prices in the first place.
Delivery terms
We have a set radius of services in various locations. We require your address in the location and contact details to deliver the food within the given period of time. The policy of delivering fresh food requires you to give us the necessary time to send your orders.
Payment methods
There are several payment methods available when you are using Restaurante Mi Tierra services. The methods are safe and secure. So, you can pick any of the available choices and make the payments.
Call us for assistance!
If you have more questions related to our terms and conditions, feel free to give us a call. Our team is always there to clear your doubts and help you leverage our services.
Keep enjoying delicious food at your own place with Restaurante Mi Tierra
Restaurante Mi Tierra
We make the food you make the memories
Tres leches,Flan de caramelo,Postre de Natas,Capricho
Jugo natural en Agua 16 oz,Jugo natural en Leche,Aguapanela con Limon,Limonada Natural
Filete de Pescado a la Plancha / Grilled Tilapia,Mojarra Frita / Fried Mojarra Fish,
601 71st St, Miami Beach, FL 33141
9:00 AM - 10:00 PM
9:00 AM - 11:00 PM
9:00 AM - 11:00 PM
9:00 AM - 10:00 PM